Our Summer Camp program
If you want to know about each class and their schedule, just click on the names.
Paramount Study is ready to offer different summer camps with innovative and varied programs, including Languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Mandarin…) Visual Arts camp, Mural Camp, Music Camp, Coding Camp, Math Camp…
These programs have been designed to ensure that participating children are engaged in educational and exciting activities day long.
Hours: Monday-Friday 10:00AM-3:00PM for regular camps. (For special camps please check the specific hours of operation.)
Daycare hours: 9:00am-10:00am, 3:00pm-5:00pm $10 per Day
Dates: June 23 to August 22, 2025 (9 weeks)
Please e-transfer the payment to: info@paramountstudy.org (RL-24 offered)
Refund Policy: Campers who are unable to attend camp at the last minute for medical or special circumstances can have their fees refunded minus the $50 administration fee. Campers who choose to leave during camp do not have their fees refunded. If a camper is unable to stay at camp for medical reasons we will transfer them to another session. Campers who are asked to leave for disciplinary reasons will not be refunded.